Nov 1, 2023Liked by Chelsea Bieker

I started using that tubing mascara after you first talked about it on IG and it’s legit the best. If one thing’s for sure it’s that I’ll always read your writing and take your beauty recommendations!!

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It is THE best. The only one ive ever found that does not flake or make that dark shadow under my eyes immediately. So glad you like it!

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"I thought I understood something of grief because I’d lived a grieving life since as far back as I can remember—grief over the living—which is the best way I can describe loving someone whose life is colored by addiction."

This is a hugely informative piece of framing for me. My father died when I was quite young, and then my mother never really came back to life. I was a parentified child, and she was always vaguely suicidal (never acting on her depression) and clearly an alcoholic. She then, later in life, developed Alzheimer's and I cared for her through that even as I was raising small kids. When she died, I raged? But I then just got numb for years and I think that what happened was I was stuck in that grieving life you so clearly and cleanly describe.

And also, finding the right mascara is everything.

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thank you for this! I really appreciate you sharing. being a parentified child is a whole fucking thing, isn't it?! I'm sorry you went through that but am glad we aren't alone <3

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Chelsea Bieker

Ok 1. That teal-colored brand IS flake central! 2. I can’t wait to try your tried-and-true, but also, Maybelline Great Lash Brownish Black Waterproof is my ride-or die. 3. No-fail removal method my mom taught me: Pond’s cold cream (the green lid, not the blue) and wipe it off with a tissue 😍

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flake central! I will never understand. im glad to know of your ride or die. I will try it!! also yes, the removal method is key and what has stopped me from waterproofs in the past.

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I don’t know how I got here, but I never want to leave. ♥️

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I'm SO glad you are here!!

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Wow. Really great. I had such a similar experience with finding mascara in the throes of grief. I always hated the waterproof kind, because I am a swimmer and I hate the way it would feel on my eyes if I didn’t properly wash it off before getting in the pool. I’ve always worn the kind that would stream down your face when you cried. Fast forward to grief central and crying constantly, so I had to seek out my first waterproof tube. Thankful to now have a second option recommended here that, let’s be real, I’ll for sure need again.

New subscriber here. Looking forward to reading more.

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oh! thank you for this and for reading. So glad you are here.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Chelsea Bieker

I’m so glad this exists now, Chelsea! Here’s to more of your writing, to making room for darkness AND light, and to miracle balm (which I hated and then, now, love so much?) 🫶

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I too have come full circle to peace around MB, and even, at times, love. Glad to be on the journey with you!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Chelsea Bieker

I love this so much. I, too, have a complicated relationship with my mother. This resonated with me. Also, I need the down low on that Miracle Balm. Love your writing so much!

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thank you for reading! so glad you are here. a miracle balm post will most certainly be on the way!

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"I thought I understood something of grief because I’d lived a grieving life since as far back as I can remember—grief over the living—which is the best way I can describe loving someone whose life is colored by addiction." This line is just perfect.

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thank you so much for reading!

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"My mother is dead! I wanted to cry out during every menial task. How can I be expected to function?"

One of my best friends passed away two years ago and that is exactly how I felt every minute of every day for so long. It's not as overwhelming now but there are still so many moments where I think "He's not here any more, how am I just supposed to go on like everything is normal?"

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