New Class Announcement!
I'm teaching a class on writing novels with Kimberly King Parsons and I think you should come...
“It’s such a confidence trick, writing a novel. The main person you have to trick into confidence is yourself. This is hard to do alone.” – Zadie Smith
Hello, hello! This is one will be quick, but I wanted to let everyone know that Kimberly King Parsons and I will be teaching a new class called THE NOVEL and it’s free with proof of preordering both of our forthcoming novels MADWOMAN and WE WERE THE UNIVERSE from your favorite local indie! It’s our gift to you for pre-ordering and we are so excited to teach on this topic. This will be our fifth class together and our first of 2024, and we hope you can join us. Our style is always a two pronged approach to writing that goes deeper than just craft. You can take a million craft-based classes and still not develop the most important thing: the deep inner confidence and connection with yourself that it takes to write a novel. So we like to approach writing through inventive play-based writing exercises—this is a great way to bypass the inner critic and get words on the page, paired with deep meditative inquiry into the stories we are telling ourselves about writing that may be blocking us from accessing what wants to come through to the page. We can tell you a thousand “tips and tricks” but it’s impossible to truly integrate them and create a meaningful practice unless we unblock simultaneously. We can’t wait to talk more about this with you in the class.
Read below for more information!
This is for anyone who is in the midst of writing a novel, beginning to write a novel, dreaming about writing a novel, or who has written a novel and wonders, well, what now? We will dive deep on how to nail your first thirty pages, tips and tricks to keep the pages turning and keep your readers hooked, defining your container, allowing voice to lead the way, and a lesson on revision. We will also delve into the self-work required to build the tenacity, stamina, and grit required, and get to the bottom of your blocks (the most important part). There will be ample time for all your questions. You will leave with new material, fresh ideas, community, and a renewed vision for your project.
Date: Sunday, February 25th
Time: 1-4 PST
Cost: In the spirit of celebrating novels, email proof of preordering both Chelsea and Kim’s forthcoming novels MADWOMAN and WE WERE THE UNIVERSE from the indie bookstore of your choice that shows your name on the receipt to for entry to the class! We recommend if you do not have an indie nearby *if you previously preordered the books, that’s great! Just email that receipt. If you prefer to pay to attend please Venmo $75 to
See you there and please share with a friend who might be interested!
Will the workshop be recorded and emailed out for those who can’t attend the time? I would love to take part but can’t make the time